
Le Savoir-Faire Français à l'Honneur : Les Coulisses de la Fabrication Artisanale des Bretelles Les bretelles, loin d'être un simple accessoire vestimentaire, sont le fruit d'un savoir-faire artisanal séculaire. Derrière chaque paire se cache une histoire, un savoir-faire transmis de...

Back to school is an opportunity to get a new look and complete your wardrobe with the latest trends of the moment. At Pierrot, we share with you 3 simple outfits for a successful back-to-school season!

Father's Day is approaching and there's no question of forgetting it this year! Just for you, we have put together some gift ideas to please your dad and show him that you care about him!

What if “transparent” was the color of tomorrow? 🔎
As a “made in France” brand we often hear “it’s expensive for a pair of suspenders” or “is everything made in France?” so we decided to tell you everything. 📢

France is renowned for its fashion history, and continues to be at the top of trends today. Suspenders are one of the accessories that are coming back to the forefront, so Pierrot tells you everything.